Local angler wins Flatty Classic pre-fish

David Thorne catches heaps while thrashing the waters in the weeks leading up to the Flathead Classic, but for some reason he doesn’t do well during the actual event.

by Mike Hunt

After an incredible display of massive flathead in the weeks leading up to the tournament, Gold Coast angler David Thorn unofficially won the pre-fish for the Gold Coast Flathead Classic.

“As soon as the wattles start flowering I know it’s time to get out there and catch as many big girls as I can,” Dave said, “because there’s no better time.”

Dave added that, seriously, flathead posts on Insta in the weeks before the Classic go sick.

“It’s totally the best time of the year to get more likes and followers,” he said.

With the third pre-fish victory in four years under his belt, Thorn lamented the fact that he’s never followed a practice-win with an actual trophy in the Flathead Classic.

“I dunno – I think people see my posts and get the idea that they have to go out and catch as many flathead as possible the week before the comp, and that’s bloody ridiculous,” he said. “Everyone knows you can’t win the pre-fish in just a week. You have to put the time in.”

And it’s this positive mental attitude that keeps Dave coming back to the event year after year.

“I’m pretty sure they’ll be handing out trophies for winning the pre-fish any year now,” he said. “I’ve been asking for it long enough and I reckon this year’s committee is giving it some serious consideration.”

When asked for a piece of advice that he could offer to newbies to the event, Thorn pointed to his Facebook page.

“All the info you’d ever need is there,” he said. “Just be mindful of the tide and make sure that you fish all of the unexplored country that the other guys don’t get to.”

The Gold Coast Flathead Classic is run each year by the Gold Coast Sportsfishing Club. When asked if trophies would one day be awarded to anglers winning the pre-fish, a GCSFC Committee member responded in the negative.

“As I keep telling that guy, no bloody way!”
