Tasmanian grass fed beef tenderloin with grilled QLD prawns

by Jamison Godfrey •

There is still a pretty good fan base when it comes to the seafood and beef combination.

At the restaurant we get plenty of requests each week for which I happily oblige. Whether it be with scallops or oysters it doesn’t really matter, for this recipe I thought I would use prawns as we get some fantastic farmed Queensland prawns from our seafood supplier and they match up nicely with the juicy Tasmanian beef too.

Just a word of warning on this recipe, you might want to renew your gym membership before you indulge as it comes with a side of caramelised onion butter which isn’t good for your summer figure, but it tastes so good!

1 x 300g piece of beef tenderloin seasoned
3 thin slices of prosciutto
100g salted butter at room temperature
1 onion peeled and sliced
Fresh cracked black pepper
Splash of Tabasco
Olive oil for sautéing onion
5 Queensland prawns
10 slices of peeled sweet potato
Vegetable oil for frying


Make sure that your beef is trimmed up and free of any sinew, then season and roll in the prosciutto nice and tight.

Heat the grill and rub a little oil on the beef and seal each side well, leaving the heat on the grill for the prawns, then place into a hot preheated oven 220°C. After 10 minutes turn down to 180°C and cook to your liking.

Heat a frypan with a little olive oil and begin to caramelise the onion until it becomes nicely coloured, cool. Add the onion to the butter with a good grind of freshly cracked black pepper and a splash of Tabasco sauce, combine well.

Heat some vegetable oil on the stove in a wok or similar to 180°C and fry your sweet potato until cooked and slightly crisp, drain on paper towel and keep warm.

Rub a little oil on the prawns and grill until cooked through, just a minute or two either side should do, then remove off the heat.

Take your beef tenderloin out of the oven when cooked to your liking and allow resting time of 10 minutes.

To plate up place the sweet potato in a small circle, then the rested beef on top, place the onion butter and prawns either side and dig in before it cools down!

This recipe is from award winning chef Jamison Godfrey of the Drunken Admiral restaurant in Hobart, Tasmania. If you’re ever in Hobart we highly recommend visiting the Drunken Admiral and sampling their delicious menu of seasonal, local produce for yourself.
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